GROW this Spring with Oola!
The Young Living healthy lifestyle emphasizes achieving physical, mental, and emotional balance and well-being. Therefore, a partnership between Young Living and Oola is only natural!
So what is Oola? Oola is a state of awesomeness. It’s living a life that is balanced and growing in seven key areas of health and well-being. It’s unlocking the potential for greatness that lies within each of us. It’s finding true purpose and meaning for your life. In their book Oola, the OolaGuys have identified seven areas to balance and grow to live a rich and fulfilled life. These are the 7 F’s of Oola: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends, and Fun. The collaboration between Young Living and the OolaGuys allows you to engage all five senses and recruit more than 30 trillion cells in your body to process change and self-improvement.
Drawing upon his vast expertise on essential oils, D. Gary Young created a special blend called Oola Grow after reading the book Oola. This blend is designed to help you reach your unlimited potential and growth in many aspects of life. Whether you require emotional, spiritual, or mental growth, Oola Grow inspires you to find the courage to focus on the task at hand and help you move forward towards positive advancements and progression.
Primary Benefits of Oola Grow:
*Encourages clarity of thought and action.
*Supports energy and personal growth.
*Promotes feelings of happiness and empowerment.
Who Should Use Oola Grow?
*Anyone seeking a lift in energy and ability to take action.
*People looking for personal growth and improvement.
*People who desire confidence in themselves and their circumstances.
Suggested Use:
Apply a drop in the palms of your hands, rub your hands together, and inhale as you cup your hands around your nose. Use during prayer, meditation, or during a time you are focused on growing your personal improvements. This is also a B E A U T I F U L oil blend to diffuse!
Complimentary Products:
This oil may cause photosensitivity to the skin. If you apply it topically, avoid the sun for 24 hours.