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4 Must Haves for an Exciting Week!

Today is Day 4 of our week at Vacation Bible School in my church. My kids look forward to this week all year. It is full of singing, dancing, and FRIENDS. Lots of Friends!! 200 other kids fill our church with loud praise and excitement! I am serving this year as a group leader for 7-8 year-olds. Shouting to get their attention and being super enthusiastic for 4 hours per day, all week.. Well, I have to say it is exhausting for all the volunteers who work so hard each day to make the week fun, safe, and educational. It is one of the most fulfilling volunteering jobs I have ever been a part of. And it is all worth it as I hear my group of kids recite Bible versus from memory and discuss with each other how they will miss the friendships they made after the week ends.

I want to share with you what I have been using each day to help me stay energized and healthy throughout the week!

Ningxia Nitro - I drink this little tube (either straight from the package or diluted in some water) in the morning to start my day. Ningxia Nitro is infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract. It supports my mental alertness, as well as cognitive and physical fitness to keep up with the kids throughout the day. I find it to be most effective if I add it to my water bottle to drink slowly throughout the morning. This.Stuff.Works! You have to see to believe it! #HealthyAlternativeToEnergyDrinks

A diffuser bracelet with Lavender Essential Oil - Before running out the door, I add a couple drops of Lavender to my diffuser bracelet. Lavender is a very calming oil and is relaxing to the nervous system. When used during the day time, it doesn't encourage sleep as it does in the evening hours. Being able to inhale the clean and calm aroma of Lavender throughout the day helps me stay cool and collected. Also, without even being aware, the kids around me inevitably get the calming effects of Lavender as well!

Ningxia Red - This is what I pack in my purse to drink during snack time. With only 15 calories, 3 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of sugar, this delicious superfruit beverage is a powerhouse nutrient infusion to sustain my energy levels and maintain my blood sugar to get me through to lunchtime! There are many other AMAZING benefits of Ningxia Red, but these are the main purposes why I drink it during this busy week!

A spray bottle filled with Thieves Mouthwash - My throat is strained from singing and shouting loudly to get the kid's attention. To help soothe my throat, I use Thieves Mouthwash in a spray bottle. Spraying it inside my mouth whenever I feel my throat is getting hoarse. Thieves essential oil blend is one of the most popular blends by Young Living and may even support a healthy immune system! ...another must-have to get through this fun week!

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