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Sleep occurs in two forms: Rapid eye movement (REM), when dreaming occurs, and non-rapid eye movement (NREM).  Both are important and nothing is more frustrating than lying in bed waiting for your mind to drift asleep!  Even if you fall asleep easily, are you receiving a restorative sleep?


True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil has a long history to promote a restful sleep and relaxation, even during stressful times.  You can use Lavender in the diffuser at your bedside or give yourself a foot rub before bed to help prepare for a peaceful night's sleep.  Additionally, Lavender Vitality can be taken internally in a small glass of water.  Experiment with different ways to use your Lavender essential oil to achieve the greatest benefit!


Using essential oils that are important to achieving adequate sleep.  The Bedtime Oils list of essential oils is not to be used all at once.  Instead, these are suggestions for you to use from your current essential oil stash or maybe you want to try a new one each month on your Essential Rewards autoship.


You can make a bedtime foot cream by adding 1 cup coconut oil, 5 drops Lavender, and 5 drops Cedarwood to a glass jar and stir. If the coconut oil is too hard, then whip with a hand mixer before storing it in the glass jar.

20 drops Lavender
15 drops Valor II
12 drops Stress Away
6 drops Vetiver
6 drops Sandalwood
Combine in a roll-on with 25 drops of V-6 and roll on feet at night as needed.
Bedtime Oils

Additionally, proper lifestyle and nutrition are also important to prepare for a restorative rest.  Eliminating processed sugars, processed foods, and raising the pH of your body by eating more green vegetables or taking Alkalime are very beneficial for overall wellness, not just sleep.  SleepEssence or Immupro are two supplements to encourage restful sleep

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