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KidScents Essential Oil Blends are pre-diluted for easy application

Young Living essential oils are safe to use with children.  In fact, they are a very important tool to add to your entire family's wellness routine, no matter the age!  Below, we discuss kid-friendly tips how essential oils can be used to support focus, calm indoor playtime, breathe easy, and encourage restorative sleep.  But first, we will go over some safety topics!


Newborn's skin is more delicate than adults and tend to be sensitive to potent essential oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, and basil.  When you use essential oils for a baby, use less than you would for a toddler and dilute 1:30 with a carrier.  This means one part (or drop) of essential oil with 30 parts (or drops) of a carrier oil, such as Young Living's V-6. 


Diffusing is also a safe way to use essential oils around children.  But when starting to use essential oils, put less drops of EO in the diffuser than the instructions suggest.


It's a good idea when you are getting use to using essential oils to dilute all EOs for toddlers and young children.  As you use your oils more and become more comfortable, you will understand when dilution isn't required based on what your body is sensitive to.  In the meantime, dilute.  And if you don't know how much to dilute, mix a 1:30 blend. 


Using EOs 'neat' or undiluted doesn't mean that it is a stronger dose.  Instead, using EOs neat will allow the EO to evaporate more quickly.  Using a carrier oil or lotion may also create a more sustained effect and reduce possible oversensitivies.


Kid-Safe Oils:

This is not a complete list 




Chamomile, Roman








Tea Tree







Ylang Ylang



Custom Kid's  Diffuser Blends

Diffuse these fresh blends in your children’s bedrooms or playroom:



Adding a diffuser to a child’s room is one of the most gentle ways to benefit from essential oils.  


Try these kid-friendly tips:

  • Enjoy indoor playtime with the uplifting aroma of Peace & Calming

  • Fine-tune focus by applying a drop of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Vetiver to the big toe.

  • Apply GeneYus™ to your child’s wrists or back of neck before he or she heads off to school to encourage their efforts. 

  • Teach children about cleanliness before eating snacks or lunch at school with convenient and portable Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

  • SniffleEase™ is a rejuvenating and refreshing blend (especially during the winter months) formulated just for kids.

  • Apply Owie™ topically to improve the appearance of your child’s skin.


Depending on your comfort level and how familiar you are will EOs, you may feel comfortabe diluting more or less.  Always start will smaller amounts or easy in by just smelling an oil.  When diffusing in a baby nursery, be sure to only use a few drops in the water based diffuser as you discover which oils your baby enjoys. 


As you experience the benefits of using EOs, your confidence will grow and so will your list of testimonies how the oils have helped your family!  As always, before you embark on an EO journey, consult with your health care profider, ask questions of other moms who use essential oils, research, read, and pray for guidance.  Being a parent is not an easy job!


Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern
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