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Young Living makes the switch to non-toxic products super simple!  With an extensive line of non-toxic personal and cleaning products and the option to order monthly on Essential Rewards, Young Living makes "green living" easier than ever!  Young Living's products provide safe and effective solutions, while you benefit from the power of essential oils infused in all their products! 

Your skin is your largest organ and everything you apply to it is absorbed quickly to your bloodstream and transported throughout your body. Some chemicals never leave your system. And if they are excreted, the water companies aren't able to remove them and they go on to pollute rivers, lakes, streams. is a great website with consumer gudes to explore to learn more about the products you use and how they are rated. 


+ O I L S is excited to share with you the #1 Household Cleaner we believe should be in every home!  The Thieves Household cleaner is the best!  It is a concentrated bottle that will last a LONG time!  It is also very versitile.  You will find that it is effective for windows, countertops, ovens, toilets, floors, and much more!  We hope you give this cleaner a try!  You are going to LOVE it!

 Thieves Household Cleaner (HC)

is amazingly versatile


  • Thieves Basic Cleaner:  Mix 1 capful of Thieves HC with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle.  You can use this spray cleaner to clean any hard surface like toilets and countertops.


  • Thieves + Lemon + Vinegar Solution:  Mix 1 capful of Thieves HC with 5 drops of Lemon EO, 1 tsp white vinegar, and 3 cups of water.  Put in a spray bottle.  You can use this cleaner to clean fans, vents, and mirrors.


  • Basic Cleaner + Baking Soda:  Sprinkle approximately ¼ cup of baking soda where you would like more scrubbing action, like the sink or tub.  Clean with the basic cleaner


  • Thieves Toilet Bowl Cleaner:  Pour approximately ¼ cup of baking soda and 2 drops of Thieves EO directly into the toilet bowl.  Stir with a toilet brush and let sit for a couple minutes.  Then scrub again and flush.


  • Wood Floor Cleaner:  Large bucket filled with hot water, capful of Thieves HC, 10 drops Pine EO, 1 cup vinegar.  Apply in small amounts evenly to floors with a damp (not wet) rag or mop.






  • When replacing toilet paper, dab 3 drops of Thieves EO on the inside of the cardboard roll (not the paper).

  • Keep a package of Thieves Wipes (item 3756) on the bathroom counter to wipe down the sink and countertops in between your deep cleaning.

  • An HDPE or PET type plastic spray bottle is good to store your diluted cleaner for several days.  However, for long-term storage, a glass spray bottle is suggested.

Purification EO blend



  • Diffuse Purification after cooking a highly scented meal or to eat up odors in the bathroom. 


  • Add a couple drops of Purification to a cotton ball and place the ball in your refrigerator or stinky shoes. 


  • Infuse wool dryer balls with 5 drops of Purification to freshen laundry


  • Upcycle a used, clean spice jar by filling it with baking soda and 5 drops of Purification. Sprinkle the infused baking soda onto your carpet.  Let it sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.  This will freshen your room!


  • Make an air freshener with 5 drops of Purification, a pinch of Epsom salt, and 2-4oz water.  Add to a sturdy plastic or glass spray bottle.  




Add a few drops of your favorite EO to a cotton ball and store the ball in your clothes drawer, nightstand, refrigerator, stinky shoes, anywhere!

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