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When you enroll or sponsor someone in Young Living, it is important that the new member feel supported and is comfortable to reach out to you if they have any questions.  To start building a relationship, you can send a Welcome Package!


Welcome Packages can be a simple postcard, or maybe you want to invest some of your Fast Start Bonus back into their education with an essential oil book, a diffuser bracelet, or some empty spray bottles for them to make a DIY essential oil craft!  It is a good idea to create a welcome package for each person based on their interests.  Don't give the same welcome package to everyone you enroll.


Here are some cards you can use in your Welcome Package.  You can or purchase them directly from Zazzle.  If you rather print them through a printing service like, visit our photo album to get you the Hi-Res images.


IMPORTANT NOTE:   These images are for members already enrolled in Young Living through your referral ID

FRONT: Option 1

Postcard     |    Notecard

FRONT: Option 2

Postcard     |    Notecard

Digital File
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