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Cooking with

Essential Oils

Using essential oils in baking and cooking is a convenient way to get the benefits of essential oils, while also adding a powerful punch to flavor! 

Enjoy this taste snack infused with Rosemary and Lemon Vitality.  This is the perfect snack to serve at your next Essential Oil Gathering!

This gluten free brownie is so easy to make!  You probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen already!

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Who doesn't LOVE guac!  The addition of Lime & Citrus Fresh Vitality will get your taste buds saying Olé!

Super simple salad that jazzes up any meal or can be a vegetarian entreé!

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Einkorn is the original “staff-of-life” grain, known as the oldest variety of wheat, which dates back to the beginning of time. Einkorn’s natural genetic code and low gluten levels make it a superior choice because of the compatibility with the human body when compared to the modern hybrid wheat of today. Einkorn grain is easier to digest, so nutrients are better absorbed. Today Young Living is helping to bring einkorn back to its rightful prominence in the world.


Perfect for adding flavor to your favorite foods or using as dietary supplements, the Vitality dietary essential oil line gives you the freedom to share and explore some of our best-loved essential oils in a variety of nutritious and delicious ways. With four distinct categories—Herb, Spice, Citrus, and Supplement—we invite you to explore Vitality dietary essential oils.


+OILS only recommends ingesting Young Living essential oils that are labeled as a dietary supplement. 

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